Since my walls went from a burnt orange terracotta to a strong Damson broken up by white and cream, I have had to find a way to deal with my old orange brown sofa. It was a significant purchase a decade ago and I really can't afford to replace it.
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Covering up seems like a logical answer. I am starting off by covering the cushions. I have a couple of pairs of Aubergine curtains that were a
lovely colour but sadly too short. I can do two cushions per curtain panel.
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It really feels amazing doing something myself and the fact they look fine, albeit plain, is wonderful despite it being all handsewn. Sometimes we really feel helpless by our reliance on brought products because we feel we do not have the skill to do some things ourselves. For me, the flat has always been my weakness, because I was so busy I did not feel I had the time to make anything and too poor to buy, I actually have exchanged time for even more poverty and found that the time was actually the more important aspect, we pay SO much money for people to do things for us....sometimes quite simple things, like covering a cushion.