Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Skirts and butts

I have to get on with sewing asap.  I am so sick of buying full skirts (and dresses) that were created for the less.... generous buttocks of the fairer skinned ladies......they are always hitched up a bit at the back, making them look a tad uneven, I will really need to make my own.  It doesn't happen with the pencil skirts and I suppose that is because they are form fitting.....oh well, just another thing you learn on the road to Retro-fication!!!

I need me some skirts made for Sisters.....

Here endeth today's moan...

Last night's Charity event

Well bf and I had great fun at last nights The New Vintage Look's charity evening.  The venue Proud Cabaret was lovely, I can't believe I never heard of it before and it is so local to me.  We had our picture taken coming in and although BF stressed that she wasn't dressed up enough, she looked lovely as always.

The night was in aid of the Royal Brompton hospital neonatal unit, I really hope some money was made for them.  It was a wonderful night out and what a great way for the vintage community to do some fabulous charity work.  It is inspiring.

There was so much going on and it was just so good to get out, I hardly realised how cooped up I had been.

Friday, 6 April 2012

New purchases....drool

Reading glasses
 Specs!!!  Yep, the first one I thought  may have been clear but it turns out they are reading glasses, or so I think because when I put my real glasses on over them I could see perfectly, which only seems to happen with reading prescriptions

These are sunglasses but obviously not UV filtered and very scruffed up, I doubt I could see through them very well but they are pretty.  I probably won't take these to Orlando as I have a sturdier pair.  I am thinking of visiting the opticians soon so may need a new pair of glasses and will definitely buy a cats eye style.
Sunglasses                                           You may also be able to see the big bangs I created with my little rat I made with my collected hair, I think the rat may be a bit small . 

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Cupcakes on hiatus

I am on a health food kick. I have just over two weeks before my short holiday and wheat is off the is sugar....dairy...booze and coffee..... *cries*

On the plus side I have retrieved my We'll eat again recipe book back from Sir.  If you buy one Vintage Recipe book buy this one, not only is it wide, varied, and tasty, it is a war time recipe book so you know the bad calories are rationed so all the items are far more healthy.