Friday, 11 July 2014

Fortnightly check in

I finished my two week teeth lightening 'treatment'  It worked well and my teeth look fab.  Not artificially sparkling white, just back to normal ivory and not having that weird green tea tinge they have acquired over the years since my green tea habit began.

I am not seeing much change to my face but I will give it more time, you never know.

The biggest change has been what the juicing is doing to my milk supply, I feel so abundant and now I just can't seem to get the babe off my teats!  It is a bit regressive as she is actually supposed to be reducing her feeding and having more food. But I don't know whether the extra nutrition is making my milk taste simply yummy or what but she can't get enough of it. 

I know weaning is going to be really, really hard with this one!