Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Silverware and Sewing

I don't know why, I impulsed brought a couple of silver knives and spoons at the market last week, they are heavy and lovely FAR too big for tea time but....I wanted them anyway.

So of course I only just started my sewing today...ooops, I need to be finished by Thursday afternoon as I have a guest over in the evening.  Strangely enough I am not worried, there is only SO much you can make for a toddler.  I am a bit worried about her feet being cold though. Wonder if I can fit in some booties?

Friday, 22 August 2014

ZESTfully Clean....

One of the things I wish to nurture in myself with taking up a more Neo Traditionalist way of living is a more proactive way of cleaning.  Right now I am very reactive and I must admit, I am not the best at cleaning...don't get me wrong, I have seen much worse but that doesn't recommend me.

Right now my living room has been hit by toddler....and as I said previously in the war between the front room and the baby, the baby will win....I have to accept that, but I still need to foster a sense of being house proud within myself.  No vintage lady worth her salt would have books piled up all over the place like I have at the moment....time to try and put that bookshelf together I think!!

Tea Time will most likely be taken with my Polish friend K. 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

*squee* Pink Tea set for one

Finally opened my Royal Vale tea set, if you can call it that, it seems it is the left over after many breakages over the years, it is one of each cup, saucer, side plate and a sugar bowl, but it is perfect for my afternoon tea with a slice of walnut cake whilst the baby sleeps and I can catch up with Bethany over at The Glamorous Housewife

I know, I don't have a classy matching tea pot, have to use my boring old blue one.

Please excuse my cushions but they went to war with a 15month old and the baby won!

Still relying on storebrought cake...*oh the shame* I know I must get back to making my own again, I am a half decent baker when I set my mind to it (can't decorate for toffee though, I will admit) but I daresay I shouldn't be eating any of it at all anyway as I should go back on the poxy diet, at least until my holiday....*grumble*

I don't think I have baked anything since Hamantashen at Purim.... 

Monday, 18 August 2014

Vintage Mum - Back to the sewing board....

Yesterday my sister gave me a skirt, she had brought it for my niece but it was a little bit big around the waist, 'Can you take it in'? she asked me.  Well I had to say yes and with another event with the Pirates in less than a fortnight I will need to get another outfit together for the baby...Oh my word...it has been a while since I threaded a needle even.  Since the baby was born, having sewing paraphernalia out seemed foolhardy so everything is packed away in boxes and placed upon high due to this child's natural curiosity. 

However, I know have a couple of skirts with sewing issues that I have been ignoring as well as costume I will like to make, I am well overdue for starting up the sewing again....now if only I can drum up some motivation??

Friday, 15 August 2014

Vintage Mum, the good and the bad....

So my efforts for living a tad more vintage like is going fairly well, yes I have been meal planning, shopping frequently and sticking to my budget, I am pleased to report that I came in right on budget last week too, so this week I was able to buy a couple of items I wanted...very happy.

So, this morning,like any vintage mum about town, I texted a friend to meet for coffee (good), I was thinking Star*ucks (bad, N, very, very bad) she called back (very good) and suggested I go to her place instead (very, very good).
I brought cake (very good) alas it was shop brought (very, very bad).
In my defence I had already left the flat to do my chores when she called me and it was a totally spontaneous thing.

After I left there I went to a supermarket to buy for the weekend, I was happy to see an increase in loose vegetables, often it is usually just onions and potatoes loose but they have now added mushrooms and tomatoes to the loose list.  Lucky me because I only wanted two toms and a half a pound (being vintagely Imperial today) of mushrooms.  This meant that I spent less and  there will be less food waste.

So come on ladies....shop like our grannies did!!!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Walk like a Vintage Mum, talk like a Vintage mum.....

Yikes!  Yesterday I was horrified to see how much I had spent last week....what with buying food for my sister (who is hobbled at the moment) and treating us all to a pretty expensive (for me) Chinese restaurant meal, plus a couple of insane impulse purchases on the e(sucksallyourmoneyaway)bay.

I have determined that this week I need to rededicate myself to my NeoTraditionalist ethics and shop like my Gran did, with a budget and almost daily...let's be honest, the weekly shop is a by product of the modern supermarket, our Grandmothers, great grandmothers and beyond had to do frequent shops for fresh goods especially, they needed to get others delivered (which I do) and they couldn't carry much either as fewer people had cars.

So, I have decided to spend wisely and shop as often as I need, which might be daily.

I had already brought my salad box with juicing items so, this week at least, I have plenty of fresh goods......goodness knows what will happen next week as I have cancelled next weeks delivery.

Todays menu


A pot of yoghurt


1/2 Small Banana


Wholewheat pasta  (not very vintage I know)
and Cheese, Salad


Tea du Jour: Green with Lemon
Bonne Maman Madeleine's


Vegetable fingers
Leftover pasta Salad