Sunday, 1 February 2015

Healthy Minds or ignorance is bliss

I had a thought after reading this status update from my 1930s/40s friend

The only thing that will make you feel truly better about the world, people in general and the future is the one thing you can't do.
Avoid the news.

I remember when I watched 'Time Warp wives' one of the women in it was SO oblivious to  current affairs that she had no idea that Tony Blair was no longer the Prime Minister (this was screened after Gordon Brown became PM).  I was both admiring and repulsed.  How could anyone allow themselves to be so ignorant of current affairs?  Women died and were tortured by force feeding just so we had the right to vote.

Clearly some people can avoid the news, but should we?  How much better is it to immerse yourself in the past if you don't have to be reminded of the vile modern society we live in?

I wish I had the will power to immerse myself to that degree, mind you I have gone straight from having the TV on News24 to having it on childrens TV 24/7 I am definitely not as well informed as I used to be, but still that is only the same as the average Briton I suppose.

And I still have to remember that my Wartime friend, who coined the term Neo-Traditionalist, is still one of my better informed friends of current events.

I have the strongest desire to get unplugged and read all the books on my reading list. Cook historical recipes and spend much more time out of doors, then the lure of the interweb pulls me back, the ease of ready made veggie burgers and frozen veg.  *sigh* Must...try...harder!