Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Day 7 and the aftermath

Potatoes?  No change there...
Soooo, there you have it, my last meal of non plastic packaged goods.  it was mashed potatoes and some sort of soya thing in onion gravy, plus some rather nice H&B snacks. 

And what have I been up to since?  Have I brought any plastic?

I feel I brought ALL the plastic at the  Asian Supermarket buying up loads of vegetarian fishlike food (tbf to myself, one of them was in a can). I have brought plastic drink bottles and some biscuits but I have also found myself wondering aimlessly around the supermarkets, thinking of that nice snack or dessert and wondering why there is so much plastic packaging.  I go back and forth over it, thinking of how nice it will be to eat that tasty treat.

And I leave without it.

It has been a hard week, anything I buy in plastic comes with a pang of guilt but goodness I know how hard it is not to buy any at all, no lettuce, no kale, no berries, no grapes.  In the toss up between a chips and tinned soup road or a life of salads and sauteed kale, my health trumps the environment because my body cannot afford to take the hit, especially in a world where no one else is making that sacrifice.  But I yearn to live in a way where I don't HAVE to make the choice between kale packaged in plastic or no kale at all.

Think before you buy....always.


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