Sunday 30 December 2012

Vintage Maternity

How does one continue to look stylishly vintage with an expanding waistline? Google doesn't tend to help I am afraid, there are just many blogs about how fab Betty Draper looked when she was expecting Eugene....alas, the sad fact is, when actress January Jones was actually pregnant they just dressed her in voluminous dressing gowns and called her fat!

I love that second blog post though, especially the picture of Jackie Kennedy smokin a fag and quite obviously pregnant....can you imagine any prospective (or actual) First Lady being pictured thus?  OMG she would be eviscerated by the media, it just illustrates how very much times have changed.  Course, we should never forget that she was killed by cancer so...well smoking sucks but back then, everyone was doing it, I like how in Mad Men the person who doesn't smoke (Pete Campbell) seems quite odd for it.

It seems like it is smock style all the way

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