Monday 18 November 2013

Vintage Mama pt 2

OK, so we are back from picking up the Vintage pram, the historic geek in me is not sure about the gold colouring, that seems too anachronistic but I am loathe to go messing about with it when I have so much else to do.  Perhaps a project for the future?

Aesthetically  it is a thing of beauty on its own and....I loved it, worth the loss of one baby sock and some coffee whilst waiting for the train in Kings X carrying the babe in arms.

One thing I had to get used to were the stiff wheels, no swivel wheels in yonder days, oh I had to be lot more patient because it was easier waiting for some one to move, than try to manoeuvre the buggy around them.  


Oh my....the handle is rather nice and high, no more bending down for this tall lady.

Made to last.

 The babe can sit up in it and look at me, rather than outwards like the buggy.

It IS lovely

Get to play Damsel in Distress to fine Gentlemen when faced with a step or two (but not stairs, see below).


Well, It IS lovely and girl you have to have your A game going on if you intend to walk out with one of these, it will attract attention and therefore so will you, so going out looking au naturelle...not a good idea. Today I wore a pencil skirt, boots and my half cape. Thank goodness I thought ahead and wore make up!!!

They are huge, it's taking up all the space on the landing, I am in the humorous position of folding my every day buggy down to make way for the occasional pram...doh!!!  I have decided to make it into some sort of feature up there, maybe putting a few old fashioned dollies on it or something?

If there is a lift failure you are well and truly buggered because you do need help with stairs, lucky for me, my route today was from Kings X to Liverpool Street and it is entirely step free...huzzah!!!!!

Supermarket twisty queues?  Ermmm, no, not again thanks.

I was very lucky to get this at a bargain price, perhaps the gold paint put bidders off (stupid people, pram paint is not hard to find) but I am usually outbid. Finding one with SO little work needing to be done, under £200 is very rare, I was very, very, lucky. Keep checking daily if you can and you can watch one at a good price.

So now I have my little girl sorted out for events...where are we going to go?

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