Friday 28 January 2011

The scent of a woman

I have asthma, it isn't serious now, many adults grow out of it anyway and since I don't smoke and currently live in a part of the UK was the cleanest air I have ever breathed, I am not really suffering with it. 

I recall a very traumatic experience when my mother practically fought me to put some noxious spray on my neck, not only was I not in the least interested in girlie things in general (I was well into my T-shirt and tartan phase, aged 12) I did not like the smell, it made me choke....and burned at my sensitive skin.  Anyway, I am unsure whether Mother got her way, I do know she accused me of being a 'lesbionic person' and got very cross with me but I remember little else of that experience.

Since that point I have been virulently anti perfume, I have received countless bottles of posh scent over the years from clueless family members and beaus trying to court but I have never hidden my disinterest or dislike for the is one of those things one gets a woman isn't it? I have either passed them onto others or used them to fragrance the toilet....yes, folks, my  Chanel/Gucci/Dior/whatever went down the loo. I did sell and pass on others though.  One friend even gave me a Britney Spears perfume......Britney......Words fail me.

I have found myself unable to breathe when caught behind a woman wearing a lot of perfume, my lungs seize up and I have had to use my inhaler, often gathering dust in the bottom of my purse.

One day however I was at a conference and came across a Pan's Pantry stall. They usually sell incense and herbs but they had in something with an Ankh on it, which drew my gaze. Turns out it was supposedly a scent, which looked like a dark red or black liquid, it was an ancient Egyptian scent and it was.....heavenly....oh my goodness.  It wasn't in a spray bottle but in a roller tube and you just rubbed that against your skin.  I wore that scent just about every day and when I tried to get some more....gone.
They don't supply it anymore, but I always wondered what it was in it that made me fall in love with it, this ancient smell.
Having been so anti perfume all these years I was never the best at identifying smells, I couldn't tell one perfume from the other and thought it was a party drink when one friend would say to the other 'Ooh is that Chanel No. 5?'  

Of course since then I have been the head nose in the family business, I might not be able to pick out one scent from the next half the time but I know what I like and so, buying in a new ingredient the other day I finally, after ten years found out what it was about the Egyptian blend that I fell in love with.....


In all my years buying essential oils, in all my months running a toiletries business how on earth could I have missed this amazing smell? mostly because, of course, I practised aromatherapy, I brought oils according to their properties, not their smell, it seems Sandalwood is often used to treat acne and anxiety, which are not conditions that has been a problem with me, hence my ignorance.

It has a lovely, woody ancient smell though and it's now part of a scent of this woman!


  1. I sympathize, I am allergic to many fragrances. And while I've been in love with Vanilla fragrances for a long time, they seem to always be mixed with almonds, I developed a nut allergy... So, this is now no longer a possibility. I was thrilled though last fall to discover Bath Junkies, a store that mixes up the ingredients in front of you. I mixed a lovely gardenia and bergamont mix, they held the nut ingredients out of the mix for me! It was fabulous and now I am just about out. We're going to have to make a run across town. The other scent I like is Philosophy Pure Grace. There are a couple Grace fragrances, but PURE grace smells like clean Laundry or soap. I love it. With how hot it is here in AZ, its awesome. But I only use the soap and the lotion. I can't stand anything too heavy. I do like Sandalwood, but that is another one that is often mixed with almond oil... Allergies suck.

  2. Well we make our own toiletries so we can keep all irritants out also. I will happily send you something non nutty to try if you like?

