Monday 2 December 2013

A nice bit of Vim

Right now I am enjoying The Hotel Inspector, not only because I have a terrible crush on Alex Polizzi and all her no nonsense posh gloriousness, but also because it is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the schadenfreude of people who are more messier than I am and they get a right ticking off from that curly haired Goddess of Forte..

I do not enjoy cleaning it has to be said, but I enjoy a clean environment so I need to be encouraged, sadly my dislike of the get down on your knees and scrub method of cleaning has led me in recent days to take modern short cuts AKA labour saving devices. I brought some wipes that disinfect and make my bathroom sparkly clean but I weep for the environment as I know these are not the most natural methods to use, I brought products that make my Lavvy smell like lavender, my living room smell like mulled wine, my clothes smell *sigh* heavenly and oh dear, I have bleach too :(

But vintage is often a lot more natural, so why can't I be more like this?
I could blame it on having a baby but it is not true, I was even worse before the baby, now I am a lot more clean but I am using modern products.  I feel guilty like I am compromising my principles.

I am doing much better with the baby though, I am buying a wooden high chair instead of a plastic one and hope to buy some more old fashioned traditional toys instead of modern ones.  The thing about having a three year old niece though is all those baby toys are passed down, including pink plasticy battery operated bits and bobs, but I am not so ungrateful as to reject them but along with the TV, phone and other modern bits and pieces, moving towards vintage is a slow process.

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